Did Someone Say “FIRE”?

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In the early hours of June 6th there was a fire at the back of the club’s warehouse space. The fire was supposedly set by one of the many transient people that gather behind the space. We were fortunate that one of the neighbors behind our space called in the fire. Station 8 from the Austin Fire Department responded to the call and were on scene in less than six minutes after they received the call. They quickly went to work putting the fire out and limiting the damage to the outside of our space to fire and smoke stains. We were fortunate they responded so quickly as there was a five-gallon drum of 90% isopropyl alcohol near the fire. If that had gone up the old wooden roof rafters would have certainly caught fire and the situation would have ended very differently.

We are fortunate things worked out the way they did and are grateful for the fireman at station 8 who did their best and saved our club from more damage. We cannot thank these guys enough. Having said that, we did manage to take up donations from club members so we could purchase Station 8 a gift card to HEB so they can buy the meals they want to eat as opposed to those they can afford.

The images show the damage from the fire behind our warehouse space along with images of club members meeting some of the crew from Station 8 when we presented them with the HEB gift card.

Thank you, Station 8!




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