2018 NSR Rally #3 Results

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This is still anyones series ...

Our 3rd race on September 8 was interesting, with some racers doing better than previous; and David and Shawn still running at the top of the leaderboard. In Ary’s first race of the series he set the bar high by breaking into the 200s, then Shawn really had an incredible heat shaving off 12 seconds from Ary’s time! Then David blew us away (obviously fixed his gremlins from the first race) by jumping ahead of Shawn by 15 seconds!  The mid-pack was close in the low 300s, and Randy is now leading Group B appx 20secs down and only leading John in this round by 2 seconds.  The scoring is a little challenging for the Rally series since our existing leader-board Excel tool is not configured to calculate Cumulative Time and use that as the primary ranking criteria. Expanded story added soon.

Leaderboard Notes: Cummulative Time is Correct; Podium at this point is Butch, Turbo, Kein. On the leaderboard Randy is leading Mark by 19.17 secs. Fastest Lap is from Sept. and Not from overall series.

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At 4-years old in Pensacola I repaired my steering linkage on my Ford Pedal-car. Dad later converted this car to a Blue Angel with ailerons and elevators with a working "stick/yoke"; the rudder was controlled by the steering wheel. I like all motorsports - I grew up going to a NASCAR Feeder track with Sportsman and Modified classes, and was lucky to attend drag races in 1970 at Orange County Raceway. My first solder-iron was a Christmas gift at 9yo; I modified T-Jets to be AFX spec before AFX Cars were in local stores. I rebuilt a few tractor & car (SIMCA) engines plus transmissions by 15yo (I still have my ring-compressor and valve spring tool) I am a former mountain and road bike geek & perennial sound engineer. Struggling guitar hobbyist and Amp "tweeker" 

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