It has been about 14 months since we regularly raced with a significant number of club members (8 racers out of 11 members). Altho most of us have both vaccinations, as a group we are still wearing masks. We also had some welcome visitors and we hope ‘dad’ returns to test his 1-32 RTR skills with us. This week Erik returned to the fray, while Russ sat out (car issues), Ary is on travel and Marc T is taking a little more time before large group activities. Apparently Erik has not lost any setup or driving skills during time away from ASCC racing Karts and playing guitar! He podiumed at P3, besting Stephen by 9.9ft (0.90 vs. 0.72). Both Marty (P1) and Dave (P2) (vs. P3 Round #3) podiumed again.
We have always heard that Randy is ‘special’ and he revealed one of his hidden skills in Heat 3, Lap 13, at time marker RND1:15:13 / HT22.56 (best viewed at 0.25 playback speed). Inspired by the dicey driving in the rain at the NASCAR race at COTA last weekend, —he spun 360 powering out of the button/tight turn, –bounced the wall near the tire-tape, –reslotting back into his yellow lane! Remember a few years back, he launched his 1-24 Viper into the tree, entering that same corner! Joie Chitwood’s ghost is looking over his shoulder[1].
In the mid-pack, Stephen continued his trend of having very strong performances (P3 in R2, P2 in R3), and John’s performance was also consistently strong. Alejandro and Randy brought up the rear, and in spite of fresh tires and a tight Spur gear, Mark was again in the highly prized DFL spot 🙁
*as of 5/31 More Details will be added soon … VIDEO NSR GT-3 Slot Car Racing – Round-4 – May 29 2021
[1] p.s. Interesting trivia on Joie Chitwood – he was originally a sprint car driver; he competed at Indy seven times; was the first racer to wear a safety belt at Indy (1941); in parallel with conventional racing, he operated the Chitwood Thrill Show 1945-98; and finally, his grandson was president of both Indianapolis and Daytona Speedways, and the International Speedway Corporation.