Group 5 Race #4 Results

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The past weekend’s Group 5 race was very different from the past three rounds for a couple of different reasons.  To start with, the number of people in the clubs track room was larger than normal.  Our 11am start time was pushed back almost one hour due to numerous visitors coming into the track room to check out the club and see what we had going on.  It was great to see so many people in the club room.  The guests were treated to the usual pre-race activities of final tweaks and controller set ups.

Considering it’s the middle of August the club room was actually quite comfortable with temperatures in the mid-80’s and track temperature of 92.  The feel of the room was, as usual, helped by the numerous fans that were keeping the air moving.

The group of racers was again strong with nine showing up and eight bringing cars to run.  All of the cars were the same except one – Brian’s Carrera Ferrari 512BB had a completely new chassis set up and was almost ready to go.  Just make sure you don’t touch the chassis.  The glue on the chassis mounts was still drying.  This set up looks really good and could be just the thing to get Brian some much needed points.  With last week’s Slot It GT1 race very few of the racers had time to rebuild their cars for this race.

The racing had more de-slots, wrecks and mechanicals than any other race in this series so far.  Unusual for by now most cars have usually been sorted out.  That’s not to say the racing was not good, it just had more incidents than any of the previous races.  That is about all I am going to say about the racing as this article will focus more on the different set ups used and less on the race itself so if you are looking for every detail I suggest you go to the clubs You Tube channel and watch the race for yourself.

Marty – Racer, Sideways, Ford Capri


Russell – Custom model kit, Racer chassis, Porsche 935


Ary – Fly, Porsche 935K3 with modified Racer chassis


Stephen – Racer, Sideways, Lancia


Roy – Racer, Sideways, Porsche 935 Moby Dick


Brian – Carrera, Ferrari 512BB, Slot It chassis


Shawn – MRRC, Toyota Celica


Rich – Racer, Sideways, Ford Capri


There was some great racing and at the end of the day it was Marty and his Ford Capri stretching out his lead in the series.  Ary had a very consistent race that allowed him to take second place and move into third overall while Roy finished only 0.30 behind Ary to take third.  Russell finished fourth after having some issues with new tires but he still remains in second place overall.  Shawn finished fifth, a great result for the only non-podded chassis car in the running.  Brian was sixth with his new chassis and is set to finish higher in the next round once the glue dries and he can work on the gearing.  Rich was seventh in another strong run and Stephen was eighth with numerous mechanicals and other issues.  Its good to know you can always drop one race for cases like this.

Here are some special awards for this past round of the series.

  • Shawn wins the award for the best non-podded chassis result


  • Most roll overs in one heat goes to Stephen and his hard to control Lancia


  • Best custom work award goes to Russell and his Porsche 935 model kit turned slot car with custom reinforced Racer chassis – more on that to come in next


  • Fastest rookie award goes to Rich and his Racer Sideways Ford Capri.


The next round, #5, should be one of the best yet with an open weekend before it to give everyone time to tweak and tune.  The points standings are getting closer as we near the finish to the series with the top three positions yet to be locked down.  Next race should tell the tale of who will be on the podium at the end.




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