JoAnn’s Fabric now has a 5-pack of Mini Shoe-Goo tubes – $5 /pack.
Great for an emergency tool kit or a small series-specific bag/box when you don’t want to lug around a One-oz (small) or Three-oz (large) tube. You can get about 2-3 repairs out of these little tubes – without risking the problem of Gelling that is so common with the larger tubes.
— and a repeat of an earlier post – Both HEB and Wal-Mart have the ‘small’ 1-oz tubes for about $4.** Lowes and HomeDepot do Not.
JoAnn’s also has a pen-sized Engraver – great for marking a motor with it’s Tach’ed RPM or your installation date.
PCH Parts Express – has a very portable digital power supply (about the size of two VCR tapes); hence it’s very light weight. They are $80 and are great for truing or motor break in. However, the leads are reported to have about 1-ohm resistance (e.g. 2 ohm total) which has been measured to reduce a 5 volt output (as displayed) to 3.x or 4.y volts at the ends of the the leads. Certainly not much of an issue when Truing tires, but when tach’ing a motor, larger gauge leads (18 to 16awg) would help deliver a full 11-volts to a motor under test.