New tracks coming soon! Races2U will be opening it’s new retail location in the NorthFork shopping center at the NE corner of 183 and SH45 (the toll road) in NW Austin. We will have a digital NASCAR track based on Carrera Digital, a digital LeMans type track based on the Scalextric digital system, and with a little luck and a lot of help, a 6 lane analog routed track replica of the coming Circuit of the Americas being built in Austin. In fact, I could use the help and advice of any members with modeling and construction experience. It may even turn out to be a paying gig for you : )
Of course members of the ASCC will be welcome, and we do not intend to compete with Kings Hobby, but rather to complement them. In fact, our weekends will be reserved for birthday parties and other private events, and we encourage you to race your own cars. Please feel free to contact me at your convenience over the coming weeks, and please drop by the store if you have the chance to see how things are progressing.
Best regards,