New Club Help

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    • #511
      Avatar photodavidmc

      I am located in Central North Carolina. I have visit your club site and was impressed with the organization.


      I am asking for your help and advise. We are currently in the working stages of forming a club in central North Carolina. We will have (routed) our track located in a warehouse approx 1800 sq feet. Plans are for two routed tracks, possible a third track (drag strip) to be buill if there is interest. Asking for help on rules, membership levels and dues, benefits. Ideas on getting new members. Thanks for any input

    • #1628
      Avatar photoAutorama

      David, welcome to our forum.


      I have a few questions:

      • Are you renting the warehouse?
      • How many members are already in the club, and how strong are slot cars in your area?
      • Do your local hobby shops know about your club? Do the shops have a track available for rental?

      The reason I ask about the warehouse is the cost involved. Our track is hosted by a local hobby shop (free), and we could not have had it any other way.

      I believe the best way to recruit new members is by making a flyer and have it available at your local hobby shops. A website will help promote your club immensely — you found us (it seems to be working). We have tried (once) to go to a modelers show with a portable track, unfortunately, the parents would drop the kids at our table and go do something else, we ended-up working non-stop and not a single new members came out of it.

    • #1630
      Avatar photodavidmc

      Thanks for the questions – comments. We have a free (sih) warehouse, I own and will “loan” to the club, maybe in time collect a few bucks for utilities, etc.

      Local Hobby shop no so great but should allow us to post a flyer. We have three confirmed members. The plan, good or bad, is to get interest through word of mouth to generate 15 – 20 members while trying to generate or rekindle interest in the hobby. We are located about 30 minuite drive from 4 larger cities, the closet commercial track is about 2 hours away. several tracks have closed the last few years that were closer, we hope to get some interest from the folks that went to these tracks. Plan to have website and facebook pages. Will post fliers in hobby shops in neighboring towns.

    • #1631
      Avatar photoAutorama

      It seems like a good plan to get everything started. The next think to do is to forecast how many members will be active (will be participating of most races), and build the track accordingly. If you build a track with 8 lanes, this means you will need more than 8 members in order to have a race with corner marshals.

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