Recently there was some concern about the power of the Blue lane. I measured the lanes this weekend and it seems they are ~mainly balanced.
— Power supply analog meter set to 11 volts, and the meter below the monitor showed 11.00 V.
— I plugged in the cleaner truck controller and the monitor meter then dropped to 10.92 at full Pot (hey it’s 420 some where :). The 0.08 ‘draw’ was probably just due to the resistance in the wire from the pot to the XLR plug (the microphone cable wire is only #20 guage; which works fine for the swifter Truck but is skinny for racing – WTH – has no significant impact to the measurements :).
— Residual voltage on the meter was +0.08 (you’d think this offsets the Truck pot loss but … no does not work exactly that way … coincidence I assume Watson).
MEASUREMENTS (each done x3 times)
— BLUE measured 11.05 less .08 == 10.97
— YELLOW measured 11.04 less .08 == 10.96
— GREEN measured 11.08 less .08 == 11.00
So Green is not only topographically the most challenging lane, but is slightly hotter (0.04 V) than the other lanes. The voltage deltas (+/- 0.1 and +.04) are probably due to various factors including:
— slight length differences in the feed wires to the braid-drops (probably an Ohm or less difference.)
— Surface impediments (braid juice, dirt, general schmegma) not letting my probes get a 100% perfect contact with the braid; (Altho my probes have pointed ends and were making good contact).