Erik's current home track

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    • #12993
      Avatar photoStabnSteer

      Re-awaken this topic! This is my home HO track – a small, tight, technical closet-door track (based on the Tuckaway design from HO Slot Car Tomy AFX, 4 lane, no-brake driver stations (because HO didn’t come with a brake, so it doesn’t need one now!), adjustable power supply – I generally run it at 19 volts, Race Coordinator software. Runs counter-clockwise…and I’ve changed things a little to get rid of the guardrail in turn 5. Still considering ways to get rid of the one in turn 6 without endangering the cars heading through 1 and 2. It is meant to be portable and fits into the back of my station wagon. 🙂

      I have all kinds of cars, as is the tendency with HO. Mostly TJet and Non-Magna traction. I do have lots of G+ (Tomy and AFX) as well as a few Tyco critters that have found their way into my pit boxes through the years. I even have one LifeLike. 

    • #13008
      Avatar photochapracer65


      I looks like a great, compact track.  I had a Model Motoring vibrator set in 1961 and AFX in the later 60’s.  The HO track leaned up on the wall at King’s is one I built for my son in the eighties.  It was hinged to the wall over his bed and has cork board on the bottom.

    • #13015
      Avatar photoBarkingSpyder

      RUSS – can you make a few adapters for your track? I believe it’s TYCO? Or can we patch in some binding posts (audio plates for home theatre will work) so we can clip on our AFX controllers and power?

    • #13791
      Avatar photoBarkingSpyder

      So – Erik – WHEN are you bringing your track to the club?? Check the calendar for ‘open/dark’ weekends or bring it by some Saturday for post-series “desert” race.

    • #13798
      Avatar photoporsche917


      We could be looking for some alternative racing while our track gets repaired.  Running HO on top of the rally track might be just the thing.  Either that or we run on the rally track.

      Nice looking track Erik!

    • #13799
      Avatar photoStabnSteer

      That’s a great idea as a back-fill to the track repair.

      I had the relay croak that turns the power on/off to the track, but have a new one in a box…so I need to rewire that but that’s about all that’s waiting before I can toss it into the Saab and drag it down to King’s. It is still a work in progress, but it is fun, nonetheless.

    • #13820
      Avatar photochapracer65


      Let us know when you plan on bringing the track and I will bring my cars.


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Long-time slot racer. Began with AFX in early 70's and still has a TON of HO slot stuff including a 4-lane permanent raceway controlled by Race Commander and with an adjustable power supply. Raced 1/24th Brass 12, and Group 20 in late 80's in Denton and 1/24 Flexi in San Antonio in the early 90's. Raced with SCCA in early 2000's and occasionally works vintage racing events. Currently active in the kart world, racing mostly at the New Braunfels track in LO206 Master's class.