2015 Racing Series Suggestions

Home Forums Club Races Racing Calendar, Classes & Regulations 2015 Racing Series Suggestions

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    • #6033
      Avatar photoAutorama


      As discussed on our September club meeting, we need to decide/vote which classes to race in 2015 on our October meeting (TBA).

      Please use this topic to post your suggestions for racing series in 2015; include as much information as possible in your suggestions: series name, rules, etc.. (Use our current and past racing classes for reference material: Home Page/Racing).

      Have fun. 🙂

    • #6044
      Avatar photoporsche917

      Here are my first ideas for 2015 series.

      -Group C

      -Group 5

      -F1 of some sort – classic using Scalextric cars

      -BRM Group C, w/anglewinder chassis.  There is also the Mercedes C9 option for this series

      -BRM El Piloto series using Porsche 917’s or 962’s modified with anglewinder chassis

      -Scalextric modern touring car




    • #6080
      Avatar photoBarkingSpyder

      I’m still the new guy so some of my ideas may be good for some laughs or at least an interesting debate!  For the meeting I will prep a PowerPoint with logistics, rules, and estimated costs (for any of these that other people seem genuinely interested in…)
      —  OldSchool/Vintage/Scratch Built:   Members bring in their wing cars, Coxes, Revels,  MMRCs, etc.  New rubber (no glue) encouraged.  Cars will be qualified into brackets based on 4 qualifying runs.  We can adjust the volts up/down as needed per class.  An alternative event that we could do for fun – unless some of you veterans want to go balls-out against each other for a true series!
      — 1/32 drag races, using existing race classes and tech rules, track (with tree and timers) will be rented;  maybe 4 to 8 races total, or perhaps just on an off-weekend when we can watch Daytona or Indy on the monitor as we are staging for our heat.
      —  1/43 races – with the voltage cranked to 14v
      —  H/O El Piloto drag-race using my track (and cars)  either on the floor or the south wall bench.  Again, may be for a special 1 or 2 times event just do have something different.  Members could also dust off their AFXs or Tycos or buy them from Autoworld for $12-22/ea.
      —  Hot Wheel gravity races.   Could be a series in parallel with slot car races, from 3p-4p. Simple heads up, cross the line first tracing.

      On various weekends we can have displays of member’s collections:
      —  Die-Cast race cars, crystal or plexiglass promo models, die cast movie specials (batmobile, ghost busters, munster mobile etc.)
      —  Home-made static/plastic models  (incl. motor models, dioramas etc.)
      —  Signed or repro Helmets, gloves, steering wheels, hoods, fenders, souveniors
      —  Physical hardware souveniors (plugs, cables, bolts, pistons, injectors, disks, belts, butterflies, headers etc.)
      —  Pictures and videos and posters
      —  ….  oh yeah,  how about some HotWheels collections?!

      — Kids races (what a concept?!)  …  bring your kids and their friends to race high-impact Scalies or their own Carerras, Nincos, Flys etc.     Kid HO Races …….

    • #6081
      Avatar photoBarkingSpyder

      I am a big supporter of the suggestion for an El Piloto race using the Scaley hi-impact cars; with provisos allowing either (a) slot-it guides, or (b) no-grip front tires, or (c) stock guide with fatter braids and a flag extension (made from an old credit card glued to the stock flag to increase depth).

    • #6085
      Avatar photoBarkingSpyder

      —  Visit the 1/32 // 1/23 club that has a track in the back of Houston’s Katy Slot Cars
      —  R/C races in the parking lot of the dentist shop next to the locksmith shop.  Members can bring in their RCs or we can go El piloto with some $40 Toys-R-Us or radio-shack cars
      —  As a group, go to the RC races at HobbyTown at Parmer/Mopac
      —  As a group, go to the model train expo (in Jan/Feb at the Parmer center)
      —  As a group, attend Austin model rocket launches in Taylor  (springtime)
      —  As a group, race digital Nascar (rent the cars) at Races2U, then beer pizza and pool next door at the pool hall.


    • #6104
      Avatar photoMitleid

      LMP(Maybe allow DP’s  even though they are older)

      Modern GT  open

      scaley high impact race (Russell  suggested)

    • #6191
      Avatar photoBarkingSpyder

      Scaley ‘Lightining’ hi-impact cars – Sept 25 Test Results

      Static Weight:  69gm   Total Downforce:  255g   Mag D/F:  186g  (measured on club mag-marshall)

      Rear Wheel Speed:  @11v = 6,400 @13v = 7,580  (measured on club tach) //estimated for 12v = 6,990rpm


      —  Rear tires are sloppy.   FIX: shoe-goo or clear nail polish on nub.

      —  Guide and setup is for plastic tracks; at the rise after the esses the braids can lose contact, and de-lots can occur in the tight corners.   FIX:  2-3 guide shims and agressively fluffed braid.



    • #6244
      Avatar photoAutorama

      My suggestions are:

      – All Slotcar F1 Series

      – HRS/2 Modern GT series (2005 Up bodies on Slot.it HRS chassis)

      – NSR Mosler Sidewinder (25K motor version, all stock, open gearing)


    • #6247
      Avatar photoBarkingSpyder


      Guys, I never intended for my Non-Race ideas (and the off-the-wall-races) to be part of the agenda for the planning meeting.  I am trying to determine member interest in any of these events, and if there is enough, I will organize them for Non-Race weekends (or Sundays);  naturally I will coordinate with Mark at Kings and with the club leadership.


      Classic/old-school/scratchbuilt Races  –  Strombergs, Revels, static model conversions, etc.  Since we may have a motley set of cars that people have, create racing classes by weight, motor RPM, body style – whatever seems simple, fair, reasonable.  Or, if members only have a few cars, and none of them are like each other, just let anything run (except wing cars, and expensive collectors editions).

      This is intended as a purely fun series, as a filler for maybe 4-6 weeks total.  We could score for separate categories such as: fastest lap, most laps completed, oldest car, coolest car (member votes), best condition (vote), worst condition (vote).

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