Austin Slot Car Club Charter

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The Club

The Austin Slot Car Club (“The Club”) exists as an amateur non-profit organization to race slot cars within the framework of the rules established by the Club Founders and known here as the Race Series Framework.


Membership in the club shall run for one year from the month of enrollment.  “Members” shall be those who have paid their membership dues for the current year. For details on the different levels of membership please see our Membership Application page.


Annual General Meeting

The club shall hold an Annual General Meeting in October of each calendar year. The date of this meeting shall be published by a notice in the club’s online calendar, clubroom and/or on the Club News section of the ASCC forum at least one calendar month before the meeting takes place. The meeting shall be declared quorate if five members or 15% of the total membership, whichever is greater, are present.

Any matters concerning the financing and running of the club and/or its rules may be discussed at this meeting. Any proposed rule changes must be submitted to the Secretary at least two weeks prior to the Annual Meeting. Such changes will be decided by a simple majority vote of the members present. In the event of a tied vote, the club’s President shall have a casting vote.

Club officers elections will be conducted at the annual meeting; present club members will elect officers for all available roles.

Only members physically present at the Annual Meeting may normally vote, although an individual exception may be made at the discretion of the club’s President in special circumstances such as illness.

Monthly Business Meeting

The club shall schedule Monthly Business Meetings throughout each calendar year.  The date of these meetings shall be published by a notice in the club’s online calendar, clubroom and/or on the Club News section of the ASCC forum at least two calendar weeks before the meeting takes place. The meeting shall be declared quorate if five members or 15% of the total membership, whichever is greater, are present.

A financial statement will be mandatory, and all other agenda items will be determined by the membership prior to the meeting.  Additional items may be discussed in the closing round table discussion. Issues requiring changes to race schedules, formats, or other club activities will be decided by a simple majority vote of the members present.  In the event of a tied vote, the club’s President shall have a casting vote.

Only members physically present at the Monthly Business Meetings may normally vote, although an individual exception may be made at the discretion of the club’s President in special circumstances such as illness.

Club Structure

The General Committee (aka. Board, BOD)

The club shall be governed by a General Committee elected by members of the club. This General Committee shall consist of the following honorary members:

The President

A member aged at least twenty-one and who has been a member for at least two years.  He or she shall chair the Annual and Monthly Meetings and any Extraordinary General Meetings called by the members, or shall delegate the task to another General Committee member.

The Vice-President

A member aged at least twenty-one and who has been a member for at least two years.  He or she shall replace the President during his/hers absence.

The Treasurer

A member aged at least twenty-one, the Treasurer shall report to the members at the Annual General Meeting. This report shall include:

    • The total income of the Club for the year past, itemized as membership fees, race series fees, and other income described briefly.
    • The total expenditures of the club itemized as clubroom expenses and other expenses described briefly.
    • The current balance of the Club’s accounts.

The Secretary

A member aged at least twenty-one, the Secretary shall be responsible for membership tracking, correspondence and announcements, calendar schedules and ensuring that supplies are stocked (Lane stickers, Tire cleaning tape, Tech sheets etc).  They shall work with the President and other key members to organize monthly meetings, the Annual Planning meeting, any Extraordinary meetings, and any inter-club races or meetings. 


All Club Officers are authorized to impose sanctions in accordance with the rules of the club on any member or visitor whose conduct bring the Club or its Charter into disrepute or represents a hazard to the safety of members or visitors.

Clarification of the Non-Profit status of the Club

While not a registered Non-Profit organization, the ASCC shall still reinvest any surplus income or gains from any source into the Club in order to support and extend its activities.  Any gains may not be distributed to members or third parties. The clause does not prohibit the donation of funds to charities or to other racing organizations subject to any relevant tax or other legal regulations then in force.

Application of the Assets of the Club on Dissolution

Any net assets on the dissolution of the Club shall be for charitable purposes or donated to other slot car racing organizations subject to any relevant tax or other legal regulations then in force. The distribution of such assets shall be decided by a General Meeting of the remaining members at the time of the dissolution of the Club.

Changing the Charter

This Charter was adopted at the Annual General Meeting and may only be changed by a vote at an Annual General Meeting or an Extraordinary General Meeting. For this purpose at least 60% of the actual membership of the Club must vote in favor of the any change.  If fewer than this number are present and/or vote the Charter may not be changed.