Series Manager: Russell/Chapracer 65
Period: H2-2022 – July – Dec (1 round per month)
Recreate the spectacle of curvaceous cars with outrageous horsepower that was the 1966 to 1974 Canadian-American Racing Series. A virtually unlimited race series, the cars had to have two seats and covered bodywork and that was the extent of the rules. No limit on engines; no weight minimum. It’s hard to imagine such a series in the rigidly controlled world of motorsports today. Technology was pushed to the limit, as aerodynamics became more important; engine size and horsepower rose dramatically; tires got wider and wider (and some front wheels and tires got tiny). Innovation abounded; some of it worked, some did not. Basically run in the off season, the series attracted the best drivers in the world.
The vast majority of Can-Am cars were open roadsters but a few coupes did run in a limited number of races, including the Lola T70 coupe, Porsche 917, and at least one Ford GT40. In the spirit of the original, the Austin Slot Car Club Can-Am series will also be open. Since fantasy liveries are allowed, a car with, say, LeMans livery, would be allowed, as long as it was a model that ran in the Can-Am and is configured as raced there (not a long-tail version, different wing, etc.). Modifications to an existing car, such as modifying a Ferrari P4 to make a 350P Spyder Can-Am car, will be allowed.
For a listing of eligible available slot cars, please see the attached file below. This list is not complete but it does provide a good starting point. There are some car models that will not be allowed. These include all Thunderslot slot cars. These cars are just too quick and members expressed concern that they would dominate the series, if allowed. Out of scale slot cars will also be disallowed. Some slot cars are larger than 1/32 scale and will have an advantage. We had this issue with some Racer cars a few years ago as they were more like 1/30 scale. I don’t have any cars on this list at this time, but I would like everyone to let me know of what cars they will be racing or thinking of racing so I can check. Minor variances from 1:1 sizing are OK. For instance, the Carrera Porsche 917-30 is only 3% oversize, so it will be OK.
After much discussion about the eligibility of the Porsche 908/3, and thinking no Porsche 908/3 competed in the Can Am, Marty discovered evidence that, in fact, one raced at Watkins Glen in 1972. As a result, the Porsche 908/3 is eligible to race in this Can Am series.
As to opening up the list to include endurance cars that ran that weekend, I have always said that the main criteria are that the car ran in the Can Am, at some point. Those endurance cars and coupes that did run in the Can Am on Sunday are eligible. However, if they ran in the endurance race but not the Can Am, they would not be eligible.
Most of the information about available slot cars was gathered from the usual on-line vendors or Ebay. All of the cars listed started as least on Can-Am race. In most cases I listed the car model as it was listed on the entry sheet. Sometimes a car with a particular designation raced with different configurations or bodywork. Cars evolved race to race. Some cars may need additional work to replicate a car that ran in the Can-Am. Also, some of the models listed are body kits and will need chassis.
Race Fees: $5 Premium members, $10 Standard members; $15 guests
Body & Chassis
- Any 1/32 injection molded plastic or resin body may be used. Any plastic or resin slot car chassis may be used (no metal chassis). Chassis may be modified, braced, reinforced or strengthened. Body screws should be taped to prevent loss.
- Guide may not project beyond the body when aligned for straight, as viewed from directly above.
- Cars must have sufficient ground clearance to permit free running without contacting track. Cars which drag on the track may be excluded at the track owners’ discretion.
- Clear window material must be used where the real car has clear material.
- Racing numbers must be visible in three places on body. Racing numbers must match. Bodies may be painted in fantasy or realistic liveries. Non-decorated cars (for example plain white kits) are not allowed.
- Interior must include, at minimum, dashboard top. Rear shelf is required under rear window, if car has a rear window. Driver figure must be included. If vacuum formed, must be of reasonable detail and proportion. Champion style and paper drivers are not permitted.
Wheels and Tires
- Tires may not project beyond the body when the car is at rest on a level track, as viewed from directly above.
- Reasonable scale appearing inserts are required in all wheels, unless the wheels have scale appearance and detail. Blank disc wheels, and wheels pierced with simple holes, must be covered with inserts.
- Tires may be of any rubber/urethane compound. Silicon tires are expressly forbidden.
- Minimum front tire width is 8mm. Tires must have correct scale appearance. Slot.It Low Profile Zero Grips (SIPT-015) tires, and others of that size are prohibited, due to non-scale appearance. The exception would be one of the few Can-Am cars that ran small-diameter wheels and tires. Clear finish may be applied to tire tread area.
- Minimum rear tire width is 8mm; minimum rear tire diameter is 15mm, except for cars that ran small diameter wheels and tires. No chemical treatment (such as oil soaking) is permitted.
- Any commercially available sealed-can slot car motor that produces less than 30K rpm at 12 Volts is allowed. No rewinds or “mod motors” allowed.
- Motor can be glued/taped/screwed in place. Pods can be taped or glued to restrict movement.
- No non-stock capacitors or other power storage devices will be allowed.
- Wheels, tires, gears, axles, guides, braids, wires, and bearings may be modified or replaced by any manufacturer’s parts. All-wheel drive, and multiple motors, may be used only if the actual car used them.
- Weight/ballast can be added to the car but must be contained on the inside of the body.
- Spring and magnetic suspension packages are allowed.
- No traction magnets allowed.
- Bushings can be glued into place.
- Ball bearing bushings are allowed.
- Slot Car Corner’s adjustable front axle mounts, or other axle mounts, can be installed.
- B-Nova guide and motor adapters can be installed.
In the spirit of the original “unlimited” Can-Am series, innovation and experimentation will be allowed. If it is not specifically disallowed, consider it fair game.