BRM Round 2 Results

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Round 2 of the BRM Regional Series saw four new competitors on the track.  Clark ran a great looking custom Guinness livery, while Brian brought a new Shell #35 car to the battle.  Max was on track with a Lowenbrau and Marty raced his blazing orange Jagermiester.  The race was predictably loud (those BRM gears do make some noise!) and close in many sections.

Times were affected by many factors.  Max started with a stock controller and later was loaned Ary’s more adavanced model, providing him with better car control in the later heats.  Marty suffered a gear failure, pushing him to the back of the pack while he made repairs in the pits.  Brian had trouble with bouncy pickup braids, causing quite a bit of “verticle vibration” down the straights. Ary was predictably smooth, as was Jim, which is reflected in their superior lap counts.

Finally, everyone agreed that the blue lane, preferred in the 1:32 scale races, is the most challenging to drive at 1:24 scale due to the exposure to bumping from both lanes.  (Especially in the Senna Esses.)

All-in-all it was great race and everyone is looking forward to the next round.


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