This coming Saturday’s All Slot Formula 1 race should prove very interesting. Similar to the NSR Mosler series I am betting there will be a mix of Group A and Group B racers all over the final results for race one. The cars that I have seen on the track could be classified anywhere from fully sorted to “How do I put this together?”.
This could prove to be the one of the toughest race series we have ever run. Why? Because this series will be more like real racing than anything we have ever run before. Every racer will be required to look after their fragile open wheel car while driving it to win. Racers will have to think while they are driving. Driving open wheel cars is very different than ANYTHING else we have raced before. Where a driver could get away with swinging wide in a turn and leaning on a fellow competitor in a touring car or Group C in an F1 car this type of driving will result in a string of very tragic events to occur. This also means drivers will have to be more strategic when passing. There is no more pass whenever you can by sticking your nose in and hoping you can force a pass. F1 cars will not take kindly to this. Group B cars are allowed to run with a much wider 68mm track compared to the 62mm track allowed on Group A cars. This means an A Group racer will not only have a tougher time staying with them in a corner it will also make passing them harder as well – pick your spots wisely.
This race series won’t be just about who can go the fastest, it will be about who can keep their car in one piece and drive at a manageable pace. Driving fast and crashing every other lap will not win races or friends.
Things to watch
- Wheels contacting Wheels
Simply put – if you touch wheels you will crash. The result of the crash will more than likely be the loss of a wing.
- Wings
The rules clearly state – Front spoiler and rear wing must be attached at all times. Rear wing attachment can be reinforced with glue or tape (inside of the wing – no tape is allowed on the top surface of the wing). This means you have to look after your car and make sure you don’t lose either of these items. Let’s see how many people have issues with their wings in the first race. I am betting more than half of the field will have issues.
- Crazy Driving
There is a reason formula one has drivers go through the lower series of F3, F2 and then F1 or they have boat loads of money to bring to a team and can buy a seat. Let’s all take some deep breaths and drive within our skill set.
Can’t wait to see everyone at the races this Saturday the 3rd of October at 1pm. Good luck to everyone.