2013 Racing Rule Change Discussion

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    • #615
      Avatar photoBellator

      We have talked on and off this year about modifying a few of our general race rules.

      I’ll start it off by proposing a change to the rule that states:

      “A car that starts on a series can be, for any reason, replaced by another, of the same or different model, once. After a car change, the competitor may not use the previous on the series.”

      To this:

      “Unless prohibited by a specific series rule, a driver may race a different car in each race of a series as long as that car adheres to the specification defined for that series and passes scrutineering on race day.”

    • #1754
      Avatar photoporsche917

      I would like to suggest a change to the points system to a straight 10 to 1 points system with no two point skips between 1st and 2nd and 3rd.


    • #1765
      Avatar phototurboman93

      I support Brian’s change.  I’m not sure the benefit on Marty’s change.

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