2012 Annual Meeting Agenda Thread

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    • #612
      Avatar photoBellator

      All Members:

      The 2012 Annual Meeting is currently scheduled for Saturday, Oct 13. This meeting will be held off site. (Location TBD) Because the meeting corresponds with both Classic GT and El Piloto something will have to move. We can either move the meeting to the 27th or move the racing to the 27th.  (Historically, we have never gotten through an annual meeting and raced the same day.) 

      For the new members: We will review standard club business, financial status, etc…, but it is also our planning meeting for next year.  I am proposing the following topics for discussion. (In Bold) Please add any additional ideas as replies to this thread.

      1. Financial Report (Marty)
      2. Membership Report (Shawn)
      3. Final review of F1 race week plans.
      4. Propose marking off pit areas on benches to ensure most effecient use of that space.
      5. Discuss website updates. (Brian)
      6. Discuss building a new rally track that can be suspended above the existing track and lowered for rally racing series.
      7. Review existing rules and make any necessary or agreed changes.
      8. Discuss club race series for 2013.
      9. Discuss creating a club series raced at K1 Speed.  (Yes… a Cart Series!)
      10. Club Officer status.
    • #1744
      Avatar photoToyota Man

      I may be speaking out of place here since I am not yet a member, however, the only thing holding that up is I do not know who to give my application and check to. That will be resolved soon, so having said that…

      It appears that the Annual meeting has been on the club calendar for some time. I think that it’s safe to assume that those who are planning to attend have already made necessary arrangements to attend, possibly rescheduling personal activities. If the conflict is between a meeting and a race, I think that anything that is going to determine the operation of the club for the next year takes priority over a race, A race can always be rescheduled and any Saturday could be a double or even a triple race day if necessary. I think it’s important to have as many people possible attend the annual meeting and that trying to reschedule that, possibly causing people to have to reshuffle plans would be detrimental to the purpose of the event.

    • #1745
      Avatar photoBellator

      That is a standing date… the second Saturday of every month is earmarked for club business. The Oct meeting is flagged as our annual meeting, as the timing is good for planning the upcoming year.  Every now and then the repeating schedule of a series will collide with the meeting. This is only an issue when races bump into the annual meeting because of the time it requires. We like maximimum participation in the annual meeting, and therefore, can be flexible on the date to ensure that.

      Regarding membership form and check… Shawn will recieve the form and Marty the check.  (Although you can give both to either one, or myself, and we’ll make sure it gets to the right hands.)


    • #1746
      Avatar photoporsche917

      I propose we move the racing and keep the meeting on the 13th.  I also think the agenda is too big for us to really do justice to all the points.  We will have to have laser focus to get through it in a timely manner.  Maybe Shawn and I could send out the membership and financial updates so everyone has them to review before the meeting.  The big issues are the proposed new rally track, next year’s races and schedule and any proposed rule changes. 

      I will offer up my house again but holding a meeting with an 11 month old could be challenging.  I also have the meeting room at the Sport Shop we could use.

    • #1747
      Avatar photoBellator

      The first four items are check-box items and shouldn’t take more than 5 or 10 minutes combined.

      We can start discussion threads on each of the major topics so we have a head start.

    • #1749
      Avatar photoToyota Man

      Depending on the number of expected meeting participants, several of the local resturants have rooms available that can be reserved for small groups. Given the lateness of the hour, it may be hard to reserve a place, but it’s worth checking into. Usually there is no fee for the room, with the expectation that the guests purchase food and no one should have a problem with that. When on the BOD of the Austin Rifle Club, we used Marie Callendars. The board is current using IHOP on 183., so there are plaes available. Is the annual meeting held away from Kings so that you don’t have the distraction of the public roaming in and out?

    • #1750
      Avatar photoporsche917

      We did have one of our meetings at a resturant but didn’t get much done because there was a little too much drinking and too many other distractions.  The goal is to have the meeting somewhere where both levels can be controlled.  With an agenda this long its important to stay as focused as possible.  We can even book a meeting room at the library if we need to.  I would opt for my office first as we have all the supplies, projectors, screens and anything else we might need for the meeting.

    • #1751
      Avatar photoToyota Man

      The person chairing the meeting has the perogative to establish the ground rules for the meeting. The meeting could(and should) be designated as a non-alcoholic event. There’s always times atferwards to drink. Alcohol does have it’s time and place, but a serious business discussion is neither, IMHO. Personally, I don’t see why anyone couldn’t do without a drink for a couple of hours, but that’s just me. If this is a situation that you know is going to be a problem, then the idea of going to a resturant probably wasn’t a good one. I was just thinking out loud about available venues.

    • #1752
      Avatar photoBellator

      Thanks Marty, We have threatened to use your meeting room a few times. It is time we made good on that. 😉 Now on to the prework and discussion of the agenda items. 

      I’m going to start three new threads to keep the discussion from getting jumbled up.

      • Discuss building a new rally track that can be suspended above the existing track and lowered for rally racing series.
      • Review existing rules and make any necessary or agreed changes.
      • Discuss club race series for 2013.



    • #1762
      Avatar photoBellator

      Because of ACL and the absence of two of our senior members we will be moving the date of the meeting to Oct 27 at 1:00 PM.  We will be meeting at Marty’s offices at Bicycle Sport Shop at 517 S. Lamar.  The racing scheduled for Oct 13 will remain on that day.  (I did move the time of the Classic GT back to our regular start time of 2:00 PM due to the meeting moving to the 27th.)

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    • #1778
      Avatar photoBellator

      Marty’s instructions are to go to the back of the store by the bathrooms and go down the hallway to the meeting room.  My office is the corner office next to the bathrooms. 

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