Offset Crown Gears

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    • #607
      Avatar photoToyota Man

      A couple of questions on these..

      My McLaren came with a white crown gear with only a number “2′ embossed . How do you determine the number of teeth on these gears short of having to count them?

      Also, are there different  offset gears for motor pods of different offset?

    • #1737
      Avatar photoporsche917

      Toyota Man,

      The grey Slot It motor pods are all the off set ones.  The light grey pods are 1mm offset and require a special white crown gear that do not have any gear markings on them.  The dark grey offset pods are .5mm offset and can be used with a regular colored crown gear. 

      The best thing to do with the white crown gears is to count them and write a number on them so you only have to do it once.


    • #1738
      Avatar photoToyota Man

      Thanks, marty. I’m learning..

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