PROPOSAL-Allowed Medium Durometer Tires

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    • #18340
      Avatar photoBarkingSpyder

      I propose that we strongly consider allowing NSR Supergips (5204, 5206, 5208) 19×8, 20×10 tires as Allowable substitutes for:

      • Slot.IT  SIPT28/F30s,  F22s
      • Thunderslot rear slicks
    • #18341
      Avatar photoporsche917

      The rules for the upcoming series will allow NSR Supergrip and Ultragrip tires in widths no wider than 10mm.  This is done due to the shortage of F30 tires from

      I don’t see a reason to use NSR as a substitute for Thunderslot tires as they work great and are readily available.

    • #18343
      Avatar photoBarkingSpyder

      Marty my reference to Thunderslots is  — in the case when and if they are somehow Not readily available. My point is to consider that alternative now, in advance, and be ready when and if that situation ever occurs.

      Regarding the size, certainly that was the intent to stick to the Supergrips that when mounted are 10mm wide (as with SIPT28/F30s).

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At 4-years old in Pensacola I repaired my steering linkage on my Ford Pedal-car. Dad later converted this car to a Blue Angel with ailerons and elevators with a working "stick/yoke"; the rudder was controlled by the steering wheel. I like all motorsports - I grew up going to a NASCAR Feeder track with Sportsman and Modified classes, and was lucky to attend drag races in 1970 at Orange County Raceway. My first solder-iron was a Christmas gift at 9yo; I modified T-Jets to be AFX spec before AFX Cars were in local stores. I rebuilt a few tractor & car (SIMCA) engines plus transmissions by 15yo (I still have my ring-compressor and valve spring tool) I am a former mountain and road bike geek & perennial sound engineer. Struggling guitar hobbyist and Amp "tweeker"