ASCC Club Meeting Summary Aug 2017

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      Avatar photoBarkingSpyder

      ASCC Club Meeting Summary Aug 2017
      President: Nothing special – see “track decorating” below.
      Treasurer: Marty has been reimbursed for Rally track expenses. Good balance remains.
      Secretary: 13 current ‘regular’ members (Austin, Max M, “RailGun’ add up to 16)

      Attendees: Marty, Ary, Steve, Dave, Jordan, Mark, Randy, Shawn, Austin

      Dallas Slot Cars: 1/24 Scale Auto race suggested by Marty for Feb 10, 2018
      Moderate interest was shown; Marty will work with Chris and Shontell to coordinate.

      2018 Series Planning
      Shawn will move the forum for 2018-Series to the top.
      Please provide suggestions via forum up to Mid-Sept. Shawn will create a SurveyMonkey form to solicit feedback on proposed series. This will help reduce time debating at the OCT 14 Planning meeting.
      * If your series is a final candidate-you must show up at the Annual Oct meeting with a full set of rules, allowable cars and brands etc. Costs for cars and mods/parts are strongly encouraged.

      Ary – most popular series over the years have been the “Spec” series. When planning we need to have a balance of Spec -vs- Open classes.
      Two series are defaults: Group-C and a Rally race, Gp-C rules typically do not change each year but the rally series may (but not radically from a setup perspective).A reminder than Gp-C does Not have to be the first series each year.

      Pattern: At the annual meeting we will discuss whether we will continue the current set of 4 quarter series and 2 half-year series.

      WEC Style Series:
      Shawn will be proposing a variation on a theme proposed by Steve. A year lone series-of teams with one A racer and a B racer. A racer preps an LMP; B racer preps a GT car. During 1st half of year will have A-group racers racing their LMP cars, while the B-Group team member will race their GT car.

      Ary will order them as in the past. Series podiums and other plaque categories need to be sent to Ary so he can order them in time for the Christmas party.

      New Home Track
      In the last few years interest has been stated to visit members home tracks. Marty is planning on building a track for Jensen in his garage. Work days will be announced in coming months.

      ASCC Circuit Course Refurb
      Ary wants to have some work days for – fixing damage to landscaping; fixing the grass; reprinting the wall banners and bridge banners with more modern sponsor logos; adding some tire-crash barriers (from either our existing stash of old tires or OTS plastic Lemans style barriers from Scalextrix and other vendors.)
      Once finished we need to make a new video to replace the five-year old video on F/B and our site.
      ** Date to be announced – most likely after the Oct 14 annual meeting (since Oct, Nov will be cooler)

      Rally Race Format
      Heats are 40 laps. Could be in one direction; or 20 laps in direction-X and then 20 reverse.
      Variations such as lights-out will be announced on race day. Practice remains limited to 5 minute heats on the Thurs before the eminent Sat Rally race. Next WRC race is Sept 9.

      Group Upgrade Criteria-refresh
      A Group-B racer will be nominated to move up to Group-A after they reach 3 First-place podiums (in B) in the same year.

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At 4-years old in Pensacola I repaired my steering linkage on my Ford Pedal-car. Dad later converted this car to a Blue Angel with ailerons and elevators with a working "stick/yoke"; the rudder was controlled by the steering wheel. I like all motorsports - I grew up going to a NASCAR Feeder track with Sportsman and Modified classes, and was lucky to attend drag races in 1970 at Orange County Raceway. My first solder-iron was a Christmas gift at 9yo; I modified T-Jets to be AFX spec before AFX Cars were in local stores. I rebuilt a few tractor & car (SIMCA) engines plus transmissions by 15yo (I still have my ring-compressor and valve spring tool) I am a former mountain and road bike geek & perennial sound engineer. Struggling guitar hobbyist and Amp "tweeker"