Series Manager: David / “Butch”
Period: 4Q-2021; Oct – Dec
Formula One is one of the most exciting motorsports, with it’s international recognition rivaling the World Cup, Tour de-France, Olympics and British Open. It started in the 1920s as one of several European Grand Prix races, and it’s legacy of surviving world wars, pandemics etc. hints at it’s popularity. Versions of F1 GP racing paralleled the early racing scene in America during the 1920s to 40s, with both continents fielding race-specific manufacturers, as well as being showcases for the performance capabilities of consumer brands. The modern incarnation of F1 rules and technology were spawned in the 1946-47 seasons, when rules were defined allowing large-displacement (> 4 liter) naturally-aspirated engines to compete against small-displacement (< 2 liter) super/turbo-charged engines. The cigar-shaped open-wheeled bodies were copied by Indy-500 teams, and the two have somewhat paralleled each other ever since, sometimes inspiring hot racers to cross continents and technology (but Not with any guaranteed success!) With a total of ten international teams and therefore only twenty drivers(!) per year, the competition in both driver skill and technology is at an intense level. In the last few decades the engineering specs have become more stringent, and although engine technology is constrained by source (tends to be two) and modifications prohibited, the remaining components of the cars are often built in-house by the “manufacturers”, although they must past stringent technical specifications.
ASCC’s 2021 series celebrates an exciting period from 1986-89 when aerodynamics were bound by a range of options; but power rules were Can-Am-ish. For example, during 1986, turbocharged engines were Mandatory, followed in 1987 when both boosted and natural engines were allowed, in prep for a transition to a ban on turbos in 1989?!? In 1986 power was not spec’ed to a limit. Some of the inline-4 cylinder engines reached over 1,300 BHP (in full-boost qualifying mode). Even in race configuration, (governed using boost controllers), the power-to-weight ratios were still from 0.90 to 1.25, compared to modern F1s average of 0.60 (a modern 900hp NASCAR sprint car only has a 0.26 ratio). However, the turbo-lag was significant, leading a steep ramp of power (300hp jump to 1,000hp) after a 3 second delay, demanding lots of accelerator management skill from the drivers. This period was dominated by Williams and driving legends such as Ayrton Senna, Keke Rosberg, Gerhard Berger, Alain Prost, Nelson Piquet, Nigel Mansell, Teo Fabi and others.
Austin Slot Car Club dabbled in Formula series in 2011 with a Scalextric box-stock series that proved a supreme challenge (even after expert tuning, the cars had unpredictable handling, and suffered damage to the spindly suspension, motors and other “detail” parts.) More successful “F” series were held in 2015-16, based on the AllSlot generic, early 2000s format formula cars; first with the fragile stock ABS chassis, followed in 2016 using the aluminum and carbon-fibre hybrid chassis from SVQ Slot (now out of print).
Fees: $5 premium members $10 standard $15 guests
Models Allowed
- NSR Formula 86/89
- An exciting option for our 2021 series are accurate 1/32 scale helmets featuring many 1980s legends and even recent stars!
- Mandatory: Body must start every race with all major parts intact including wings. Permitted – Antennas, mirrors, other small parts Not-required to be replaced after crash damage.
- Mandatory: White Kits must be painted, and unique with colors, decals, numbers (to claim a Decorated livery, visit this link or email the series manager).
- Open-Choice: Body screws (NSR OEM or smooth shank Slot.IT or NSR)
- PROHIBITED: NSR 1522 Lexan driver/cockpit
- Open-Choice: NSR branded F1 chassis – any hardness
- Permitted: Chassis may be sanded only enough to facilitate float. Series Manager may disqualify (DQ) car if excessive material is removed.
- Mandatory: NSR brand guides Options: Wood Depth/Screw Post #4859; OEM Snap-In #4841; Long Keel Screw Post #4844; Long Keel Snap-In #4843
- Open-Choice: Motor wires, Pick-up braids
- Permitted: Ballast (must be above the pan; inside the body)
Motor & Pod
- Mandatory: NSR OEM Motor King-21 EVO-3; #3023 21.4k Rpm 350gm-Torque
- Mandatory: NSR OEM Extra-Hard Red Inline-configuration #1283
- Permitted and Encouraged: M2 Motor retaining screws (flat-head or grub); or gluing motor to pod
- PROHIBITED: Motor pod protruding below chassis more than 0.25mm
- Permitted: NSR Inline Crowns OEM 27z #6327 (Black/grey) 25z #6325 (Orange) 24z #6324 (Blue)
- Permitted: [as of 9/25 vote and SM approval] Slot.IT gears – limited to 27z GI27Bz (black) 25z GI25Bz (orange) 24z GI24Bz (green)
- RECOMENDED: Brass/bronze vs. Alloy/aluminum (brass seems to shed less)
- Permitted: NSR Pinions OEM 5.5mm Dia-10z #7010 (Alternates: 10z #6810; 9z #7009 9z #6809, or Equal Slot.IT Pinions (10z, 9z)
- Open-Choice: Gear Ratios; Estimated Rear Wheel RPMs: @11v: 27/10= 7,265 25/10 = 7,847 24/10 = 8,174
Wheels & Axles
- Front Wheels-Permitted: NSR OEM #5020 Alum 13mm x 8mm; (Alternate #5025 Plastic-CNC Ultra-Lite 13mm x 8mm)
- Rear Wheels-Permitted: NSR OEM #5021 Air-System-Alum-2-Rib 13mm x 10mm; (Alternate #5027 Solid-Rib 13mm x 10mm)
- Permitted: Thunderslot Foam Donuts, or O-rings to fill Air-System Rib Gap
- Mandatory: NSR wheel inserts #5440, 5441, 5442, 5443
- Mandatory: NSR Solid axles. Prohibited: Independent rotating front axles
- Open-Choice: Stop collars, Spacers/washers.
- Mandatory: OEM NSR brass bushings Permitted. Gluing to Pod
- MAXIMUM TIRE WIDTH: 68mm for both Front and Rear Wheels
- Front Tires-Permitted: NSR No-Friction OEM #5283 18mmx10mm -or- #5291 17mmx10mm; #5290 16mmx8mm
- Rear Tires-RECOMENDED NSR OEM #5284 Supergip 19.5mmx13mm; (Permitted: any NSR 19.5 x 13 tires)
- Permitted and Encouraged: Truing; Gluing; Camfering/rounding.
- PROHIBITED: Traction compounds. Glazing of front tires with Nail Polish or Super-Glue/CA
Track Power
11 Volts
Contact Series Manager (Dave/Butch) with ANY questions on the rules. Post questions and suggestions to the Forum NOT via emails